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Dear Pareants,
You should all received an invite to join an online google classroom to receive learning materials remotely.
Please let us know if you need help to set it up.
Dear Parents,
March 14th, 2020 – School is CLOSED!!!
We decided to reconsider our decision and cancelling our regular classes at least for a week
following the fact that President Trump declared national emergency this afternoon.
We will keep you posted about our possible move to remote education in the following days.
RE: Marh 14th, 2020 – School is OPEN.
The health and safety of our children, parents and teachers is always
our top priority
and with the recent outbreak of COVID-19 (the coronavirus),
I want to take a moment to personally share with you the ways we at
Academy for Children
are ensuring continued safe and effective operations.
Our team is actively monitoring recommendations and guidance from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
and federal, state and local agencies to help ensure the actions we
are taking are in line with best practices.
We are also actively communicating with our teachers to ensure our
entire school is prepared to act on any guidance
we may receive.
We have made hand sanitizer stations readily available for our
children, parents and teachers throughout our school
and we are also conducting additional cleaning as appropriate, with a
particular focus on high-touch surfaces and common areas.
As of today, we decided to keep our schedule intact,
but in the coming week we will be evaluating the possibility to offer
remote classes in lieu of in-person classes.
Thank you again for your continued trust in Academy for Children.
Please know that we have and will continue to monitor this situation
and take whatever steps we can to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on
our community, while providing you the level of service you deserve
and expect.
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